Vote for Your Future
If you don't vote, others will choose for you. When we vote, we can make decisions about issues that matter to us. Latina voters hold power and responsibility for themselves, their families, and their communities. Our futures depend on our votes.
1 in 9
women in Colorado are Latina
of all eligible voters in Colorado are Latino
$40 billion
equals the purchasing power of Colorado Latinos

Latina-owned small businesses are the fastest-growing segment of the business community in the United States (87% growth since 2007). Meanwhile, Latinas in the U.S. earn 52 cents on average for every $1 a white man makes.
Vote for Your community
Our communities thrive when we work together. Your vote can make a difference in supporting local small businesses, working people, and other opportunities for economic growth.
Vote for Your economic power
When we elect leaders who support fair wages and equitable economic opportunities, we can contribute more to our local economy and better support our families.
Vote for Your health
Your vote can support reproductive justice, affordable healthcare & access, medicare for our elders, quality childcare, and other policies that will support our families in Colorado.