economic power
Latinas significantly contribute to the U.S. economy, doubling the buying power of non-Hispanics/Latinos. Latina-owned small businesses are the fastest-growing segment of the business community in the United States.
$40 billion
is the purchasing power of Latinos in Colorado
since 2007
Latina-owned businesses have grown by 87% in the U.S.
$3.7 trillion
is the national Latino economic spending power, equivalent to the 5th largest GDP in the world
A majority of Colorado Latino voters agree that cities and towns should build more affordable housing near jobs, schools, and public services.
of Colorado Latinos are homeowners, compared to 71% of their white counterparts
of Colorado Latinos are renters, compared to 29% of their white counterparts
of the Colorado Latino population lives in poverty compared to 9% of the non-Latino population

Colorado has the 8th largest Latino population in the United States, with 1 in 9 women in Colorado being Latina. On average, Latinas in the U.S. earn 52 cents for every $1 a white man makes.
of the female workforce in U.S. consists of Latinas
by 2031
Latinas in the workforce is expected to grow by approximately 26%
of Colorado Latino registered voters support increasing the minimum wage across the state so that working residents have access to jobs that pay living wages
Sources: Latino Community Foundation of Colorado, Latino Donor Collaborative (Fast Facts 2023: Latinos in America), Unidos US (Making Jobs Work for Latinas), COLOR Latina (2023 Colorado Latino Policy Agenda), Protégete (Colorado Latino Climate Justice Policy Handbook)